Kendall’s Cookbook TALKING Triple Kitchen Timer iPhone App is 3 kitchen timers that speak your phrase when the countdown is complete. Easy to use and it is especially designed for foodies with sticky hands! I personally use it on a daily basis. Designed for cooks by a cook.
A Triple iPhone Kitchen Timer that Speaks!
This is a ‘speaking’ triple kitchen timer application and will say what you tell it to say when the timer is complete. We are enthusiastic cooks so we have designed this timer especially for foodies who need to add or change a timer with sticky hands and only one finger available.
To start with, choose one of the 3 timers and press the SET button. This takes you to the Set Screen and you can set the number of minutes required. You can set 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and if you need more use the +10, +5 and +1 to set any number of minutes. +10s will add another 10 seconds.
While the timer is running you can also make quick adjustments to your cooking time of +1 minute or -1 minute by pressing the buttons on the right of the timer display.
You can add a title for each timer to help you remember what it is used for, like ‘TAKE OUT CHICKEN’ or ‘PUT CAKE IN OVEN’. At the end of the timer period, the Kendall’s Cookbook Triple Timer will actually speak these words if the app is visible. You can turn off speech in the Settings page and play a sound instead, or set no sounds at all.
If you close the app, answer an incoming phone call or make a text, the timers will continue to count down and will pop up a notification (similar to receiving a text message) when the timer is ended. If you re-open the application then the timers will still be working and showing the updated time left.
Why 3 Timers?
Being an amateur cook myself and a professional software developer by trade, I (Les) first designed a simple timer to replace the clockwork timers which were cheap but only lasted a number of weeks before breaking. My timer worked well but one timer is not always enough.
I considered having an infinite number of timers but after using my new app for a few weeks I realised that lots of timers made the application complicated and difficult to set up and manage. With experience I concluded that 3 timers are just about right. It’s easier to see and it’s unlikely you will have more than 3 events running simultaneously.
So the Kendall’s Cookbook Triple Kitchen Timer was born. So that I didn’t have to watch the timers constantly, I though it would be good if there was some audio feedback of when the time was complete. A bell or bleep is OK, but with three timers why not say what the timer was for? So I added speech reminders. It’s hands off and incredibly useful. You may be standing by the oven with a frying pan and hear “Take the meat from the oven”. It’s a very practical app.
How to Get the Kendall’s Cookbook Triple Kitchen Timer
You can get the Kendall’s Cookbook Triple Kitchen Timer from Apple’s App store. Use the link below or on you iPhone look for the App Store logo and then search for ‘Kendall triple timer’.
Click on this link to go directly to the iTunes URL (use it from your iPhone):
(Price is approx £1.99/$1.99 or equivalent in your local currency)
Designed as an iOS application for the Apple iPhone. Published by Les Kendall.